Early Years Childcare in Dore & Totley

How long does my child need to stay at home with childhood illnesses?

Any wounds or blisters must be dressed before coming to nursery.

Our policy on exclusions is as follows:

Illness & Exclusion Periods:

  • Chickenpox                                  5 days after onset of rash and until all vesicles have crusted over (no open or weeping spots)
  • Hand foot and mouth            5 days after onset of rash and until blister like rash has disappeared (no open or weeping spots)
  • Impetigo                                        Until all lesions are healed or 48hrs into antibiotic treatment
  • Measles                                           4 days from onset of rash
  • German Measles (Rubella)  5 days from onset of rash
  • Scabies                                             Can return after first treatment received
  • Scarlet Fever                                24hrs after starting antibiotics
  • Shingles                                           Exclusion if rash is weeping then 24hrs after last symptom or 24 hrs into antibiotic treatment
  • Diarrhoea &/or Vomiting     48hrs after last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting
  • Flu                                                       Absent until recovered
  • Whooping Cough                      5 days after starting antibiotics or 21 days after first episode if no antibiotics taken
  • Mumps                                             5 days after onset of swelling
  • Conjunctivitis                             24hrs after last symptom (no discharge) or 24 hrs into antibiotic drops
  • Slap Cheek                                    No longer infectious once rash appears. Please speak with nursery before returning as can affect pregnancies under 20 weeks
  • Open wounds e.g. cuts, grazes   Must be dressed before coming into nursery

In the unfortunate event that your child has an accident or requires hospital treatment, please speak to a member of the management team to discuss your child’s needs before they return to nursery.